The meeting opened at 12:15 pm.
David, Val4erie, Lori, Betty, Will, Steve P., Rachel, Scott, Elise, Jennifer, Carmen Aguilar, Laura McNamara
Pledge of allegiance -
David Kent - 4 way test
1st & 3rd Mondays of the month - next meeting looking at Chelo's or virtuall TBD
Aug 24 Board Meeting 530 pm Haines Park - Bring chair and byobb
Focusing on Strategic Planomg
Lori putting together a membership survey to be distributed to members
Valerie & Betty on PR sub ommittee for District Conference - Cape codder in April - Multi District conference with 7830 (?) in person or zoom
Jennifer Jones - RIP 22-23
Happy Bucks:
Lori - Hole in One
Phys. therapist said we can use parking lot for food drive
Scott - very stressful time right now with kids and planning for back to school
Eliose = no report
Christina = Baby Walker
Will - baseball - scared last week fathr had surgery doig well
Valrie - sold painting - walking
Jennifer - switche offices = new coffee shop opened near office
Steve - PR stuff went to Helen she will send to newspaper
Carmen - Happy to be at PC will look to join us more often
Laura - heat wave ended
avid - good time with Mom & Dad
Rachel - ?
Betty golf game bak into normal mid 50's played 6 times last week husband calls her gM - golfing machine
Will introduces Laura McNamara, exec director
eP chamber for 23 years
Laura says it has been crazy = businesses have brn forced to reinvent themselves - peopole are despared where to gt info - chambr helps thm small busieses need help
chamber helping state with distribution of supplies maks, glove, etc. nail salos, etc.
loan program u to 15,000 available anyone looking for grant
cenusus - need to fill out
phone calls and emails daily - many fraudulent claims on unemployment
check your credit report for anything suspicious
large number ofyone struggling looking for grants have them touch bade with hr
bs people ar survivors
fundraiser - 3 zip codes - 1 heart - tshirts - short sleeve $19.99 long sleeve 22.00 -
sept 26 touch a truck - similar to loof = drive through
Betty - Laura really does care
Lori back to school fair = drive thru - need volunteers Aug 25-27 5-7pm sign up on web site
next meeting Sept. 21 will sen email - 12:15 chelos or zoom
erin gilliatt epbgc former member
happy labor day
excellence is the key that opens the door of success