John Aubin, Town Planner Seekonk, MA
The Guest Speaker for January 9, 20178 was John Aubin, Town Planner of Seekonk, MA. John spoke about what he had found out about Rotary, surprising some with his research.
John has been with the Town of Seekonk as Planner since June 2015. Prior to that he was the Town Planner in Cumberland, RI, and prior to that, the Town Planner in North Kingstown, RI. He has also served on Zoning Boards, giving him vast experience in the public sector. He is a Graduate of Hendriken, URI, Law School in Vermont. After he came back to RI, he worked for an Attorney in Private Practice. He also worked in to Houses of State - in Vermont doing legislative research as a law clerk, and prior to that, at the Rhode Island State House as a Paige.
John spoke about some plans going on in Seekonk, such as a Fed Ex complex going in at the former driving range on Route 6. It will be a 250,000 sq. ft. facility with automated loading for the trucks, which will load and leave the site for deliveries. It will result in between 150-175 jobs within the facility, which does not include the drivers.