Although our Club hasn't been meeting face-to-face, we continue to conduct business. Recently, our Club made financial donations to Tap-In and Doorways, both local food banks in our area.
If you are interested in serving our Community, join us for one of our online meetings. Our next online Zoom meeting is Monday, April 13th at 12:15.

Because Tap-in is temporary moving, we are not accepting any donation until we reopen on April 20 @ the Presbyterian Church, 400 County Road in Barrington.

ATTENTION: Due to the Coronavirus, DOORWAYS will be closed from March 28 until further notice. We recognize that this may create hardship, but we are doing this to protect both our volunteers and clients. In the case of a genuine food emergency, please contact Brittany Faria at Seekonk Human Services 508-336-8772.